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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cancel my subscription

Why do I look? The enevelope arrives, looking very perky, but when the contents spill out I smell dead fish...a rotting corpse of an IRA. So, my latest best practice is to smoosh the sides, slip it into the file, slam the drawer shut~unopened. No TUMS required. No doom impending on my watch. I hope this will help you in your dealing with money meltdown 101.

I am admittedly a little long in the tooth compared to many of you, so been there, done that, have the certificates of deposit to prove it. And, lo & behold I survived. Thrived. Recovered and much more.

What is my point? The newspaper arrived and since the murder rate has dropped they need something else to scare the devil out of you with. FORECLOSURES!!!! OHHHH now that's scary!

The article was on the front page, as opposed to the real estate section where few dare to travel.

And it talked about the "F" word as being an equal opportunity tradgedy.

"There are million dollar homes as well as the hundred thousand dollar homes in foreclosure..."


And they neglect to say how few homes where in foreclosure last year, what a "normal" or average amount of foreclosures are per year, or what the total percentage of homeowners are who are paying their mortgages on time to compare. Hmmm. Why is this? And they wonder why we bloggers have started to eat their lunch in the newsrich world we live in.

I regret to report that the Department of Homeland Security has fallen down on the job, unable to stop these terrorists from wreaking havoc on our economy. I am remiss in not telling you that